Tuesday, January 24, 2012


I started the Insanity work out yesterday.  All I did was the fitness test, and I had to stop myself from vomiting at the end.  It was intense!  I realized how out of shape I am while doing it.  I do go to the gym on a not so regular basis, but I guess I wasn't pushing myself enough.  I am still trying to lose the baby pooch that Hannah gave me.  Day 2 is today, and I am not looking forward to it.  I am sore after just a fitness test. I don't want to know what a real workout will do to me. Has anyone else tried the Insanity work out before?


  1. Eeek, no, I haven't tried that. If I did, I'd probably die...

  2. I've never tried that either. That's awesome you're doing it! My goal is a few nightly jumping jacks right now. Good luck!


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