Friday, June 6, 2014


I seem to be short on time every day. It seems like I try to accomplish a task, but I never finish it. I typically only have Meeghan's nap time to attempt most things. I am lucky since she will nap for close to two hours. Unfortunately, by the time I shower and play a board game with Hannah, my time is limited. Lately I have filled it with phone calls and emails about closing on the house. Or finishing up stuff for vacation next week. Yesterday I had the pleasure of killing a bunch of ants in my kitchen during nap time. (You leave one crumb on the ground and the little bastards find it.) I am so ready to be finished with this single parenting gig. I don't know how real single parents do it. You have my respect and admiration because I don't think I could do this every day. E was given his return date which makes his return home seem much closer. By the time vacation ends, and finishing everything for closing, we will only have a few weeks left.

I am leaving for Orlando in a few days. I will have a week of vacation with my best friend and her family. Hannah will have another 4 year old to play with, and I will have another adult around. Yay for adult conversations!  Oh! Hannah turned 4 this week. Hopefully I will throw a post together about it before she turns 5.


  1. I hope you have a great trip to Orlando! :)

  2. Single parents seriously deserve a hats off. I could never pull that gig. Which is exactly why I'm spending an entire month in the Midwest while Scott's work consumes him.
    Have fun in Orlando - you deserve to!!


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