Monday, February 13, 2012

This post is brought to you by the letter B

B is for blah.  That is how I have felt the last few days.  I had one of those morning where I truly questioned why I stay home.  I have no patience, and today Hannah tested me until I ran out of patience.  Some days I just feel like a maid.  I feel like I am constantly cleaning up after others with no compensation.  I don't get holidays or weekends.  I am up early just like others who go to work. Hmm...I sound bitter.  I guess B can also stand for bitter today.

I think part of the problem is I have shoulder and neck pain for the last 2 weeks.  The right side of my face and scalp feel like they are sunburned.  It hurts to brush my hair.  Even my right eye feels funny.  At first I figured it would go away, but it hasn't so I made an appointment to find out what is wrong.  It has been hard to sleep, and it hurts to do certain things. Trying to mop the floors this morning was not fun.  I have no clue what I have done to my body.

Maybe chocolate will make me feel better...


  1. I self-medicate with dark chocolate! I hope you feel better, too.

    1. Thanks! The only chocolate I had in the house last night was chocolate animal crackers. They seemed to help.

  2. Oh, this is too bad. Good to go to the doctor - want to figure that out for sure.

    As for feeling blah and bitter - totally normal and reasonable! Maybe try doing something fun for yourself, or taking a Saturday off or something?

    1. I try to get out on my own, but lately when I do that all I do is run errands. Although, I do enjoy wandering around Target.

  3. I understand. I got bursitis in my shoulder a few months ago. There was no patience for the children until the pain was gone.

    1. Ouch!

      Yes, the pain doesn't help my patience. Especially when she wants to be held all the time.

  4. I hope the chocolate worked. It usually helps on my B days :)

    1. Chocolate ALWAYS makes me feel better. It makes it EVEN BETTER if it is Haagen-Dazs Chocolate Ice Cream! YUM!
      Hope you feel better soon!
      PS...I have those days almost every day! :)

    2. It is nice to know others have those days. I have resisted buying ice cream lately because I know I would the entire container in 2 days.


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