Thursday, June 25, 2015

Running lately

Lately, exercise for me is chasing after a dog who stole something, or trying to bathe a child who clearly doesn't want to take a bath. With E gone, running  means pushing a double stroller or running on a treadmill at the family gym on base. Base is 20 minutes away, and the kids interrupt me constantly so I never really get to run, so pushing a stroller it is. However, we are in the middle of summer here, and it is around 100 every day. I am limited to early morning or late evening. I have tried both, and neither are working very well. The farthest I have run in about 3 weeks is 2 miles. I figure since I am pushing 65 pounds of kid while doing it that I can really count it as 4 miles. I decided just to call June a rest month, and start fresh again in July. My times are going to be slow, and my stamina will probably suck again, but not much I can do when life gets in the way. I am sure I could try harder to squeeze a run in, but I haven't. Since I can only study at night, I also have to choose between studying and running. Studying wins. Here's hoping to a fresh start in July.


  1. I think it's a good idea to have a rest month! :) Nothing wrong with that.

    1. I am hoping it will help me find my mojo again. I was starting to dread running. It was my escape from the crazy family life, but when we were running as a family there was no escape.

  2. I'm right there with you on the whole running bit.
    If I want to get a run in without pushing a stroller (and it not be BLAZING hot) it's either before 5am (when Scott goes to work), or after 8pm when Marcus is in bed. Some days I find the energy to get out mid morning, but I'm never really thrilled with that idea, or those runs.
    Enjoy the rest of your rest month. Here's to July and better miles and more pavement pounding!

  3. I could have totally written this post myself! Except that my stroller rider just turned 4 and thinks that he can "run like Mommy". I either fight him on staying in the stroller the entire time or let him run the first .25 miles until he gets tired and then gets in the stroller. The other "fun part" of running with him in the stroller is that he wants to carry on conversations for miles. I've learned the first 1-2 miles is going to be straight conversation with him and to just walk it as a warmup. He's usually asleep during mile 3, and I still get about 2-3 miles of run in before we finish our circuit. Another thing super annoying about running here in Florida (I'm closer to Orlando) is the dang rain and/or humidity that lasts until 9pm or so. My favorite time to run is at 9:30pm but man oh man does it make getting up in the morning at 6 suck. LOL!

    1. Mine are 5 and 2 so they are either hitting each other, or whining to me about when they can get out to run. I tried to go for a run this morning, but they were whining before I even made it out the door so I didn't try. I also hate training during summer in Florida. It is brutal!


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